Saturday, May 31, 2008

Grumpy Old Fart

Where is Amin, Shelby? Did he die?

Hush! I'm teaching Gladys a nusery rhyme! She really wants to learn one.

As you can see, Amin didn't die. So it was time to purpose to him...

Toddler Brandon has arrived! He doesn't have a lot of my genetics.

He got his FATHER'S NOSE!!

Benjamin Long moved in and was happy to discuss things other than learning.

Why Benjamin? I like having him in my families. Sorry Ben...

Oops, looks like Amin's Simagra prescription ran out. Did you marry him?

Nope, he is just a grumpy old fart like we agreed. You can kill him now...

Oh Joe Carr, it was so nice of you to wander past my house today...


I see Amin's spawn is here. That must mean it is birthday time around here.

Happy Birthday To Me! Why isn't anyone celebrating MY birthday?

I did...your mom is busy on the phone, Ben is painting his portrait for upstairs, and Amin is outside watching clouds.

They warned me not to move in here. Did I listen? Hmmph! I should have never picked up the phone when she called. Don't you even start with me are the reason I am old.


Life is so peaceful out here by it true Brandon drowned? Why? The ladders were there, how did he drown?

What do I look like? Slave Amin? Who is this bunny? Why is he bothering me? HMMPH!!


I have no friends! She gave someone else a rose! Why must I keep going into the hut tub during the rain? Why does it seem to rain for days here? Should have told her NO!

Gladys is going to be happy to see you! She is a little lonely since most visitors are adult men. Nice to see that nose of yours is still like your father's.

Armond grew into a toddler today. He seems to look a lot more like me than Amin.

I've noticed his looks. *snicker*

Why is Amin still here? He is constantly talking to someone who isn't there.

The grumpy old fart refuses to die, but that is about to change.

RIP Amin Sims

Cause Of Death:Fire!

Next Chapter


ASimWen said...

Oh boy! Run Amin, Run! It says he lives, but I don't think he is gonna be alive for long. Ol' Shelby is creating a track record.

Ah, Brandon is a little cutie pie...opps..sorry...didn't see the smashed up nose at first. heh

Ol' Bennie, you look like you have loosened up a bit with all that new hair. Ya look good! And ya got specs too. Makes you look very much like the learned man you are.

Joe carr huh? I hear he makes good looking children. OH wait that's right. She has her...ahhh..unique looks. heh

Floating in the pool? I didn't know that as possible. I will have to try it.

Does Brandon's ghost water the garden???

Ouch! Death by fire! Buh-bye Amin!

Kethwyn said...

*waves to Ben* Ben, couldn't you have said no? You should've found a nice legacy somewhere. You make a great dad... though that nose and chin do make for some freaky looking kids. You do clean up nice though.

*makes crazy person gestures at Amin*

Shelly definitely should have a go-round with Abhijeet's genes. He can make for some odd looking kids (at least he did for my black widow)

Ohmigawd... that side shot of Brandon... with that nose and those lips... *shudder*

MysticSpirit said...

Brandon is ADORABLE!!!! The cutest kid in the house in my opinion. And it looks like Amin has durability! Hard to kill him off it seems, eh? :O) But fire?! what a way to go. :O| Poor guy.

Lisa said...

*snickering at a very preggo Shelby giving her next victim a rose*

AeronwyDiobhell said...

Congrats on surviving, Amin! Good luck making it through the marriage though.

Aww, Brandon really isn't that bad looking. And yeah, you were warned his dad's nose was pretty dominant.

Interesting make-over Ben got.

Aww, Amin looks so SAD in that picture. Poor old man.

RUN JOE! He's a cutie, she can't kill him!

Hmm, looks like Gladys' unfortunate face is smoothing out at least a tiny bit as she grows up.

Poor Amin. Dude, just die already or something. You're bringing down the whole story with your moping.

Yeah, you should have told her no. Now quit'cher b*tching already.

YIKES! Brandon's nose doesn't look bad from the front, but from the side? *shudders*

I thought Shelby was all innocent in these deaths, but she's like plotting and planning for him to die, it seems like.

How'd Amin burn up? *waves* Bye Amin, you old coot!

Heather said...

Gladys feels like another BW in the making. And I think Brandon Jr is cute despite the smushed nose. And wow, Amin sure was a stubborn bugger! Well, they all meet their fate in the end. *claps hands together* so who's next.

Laura said...

Some interesting kids so far. Amin certainly is whiny, I'm sure Shelby was glad to get rid of him. Ben's makeover kind of freaked me out a bit, it's an interesting look for him. Looking forward to seeing her next victim . . . I mean mate.

Roo said...

intersting crowd there to witness the fire. plant people, bunnies and blonds ... *waves bye to Amin* shame he couldnt be hit by a satellite, but meh. fires are good!
I agree, so far Brandon is the best looking of the spawn, and that truly is not saying much about the spawn! sheesh