After Connor's long stay here, Nery was placed on the fast path leaving this house.
The grave was still being filled in and Shelby tied the knot again.
Why even bother? Isn't he due to die now since his child is already here?
And then she met Nicholas...
You say that like it is a bad thing or something.
Barely a newlywed and already busted! That must be a record.
I leave her alone for a minute to take a shower and what does she do? Runs out to the well and wishes for another love!
Isn't that how she met you? At the well???
I did my time! Do you know how long Connor was here? FOREVER! Almost two FULL weeks! I want my turn!

ALERT: The following is from the mind of Nery:
He is already in her grasps! See his new love of the sandwiches? That is the first thing she does to us men!

I'll show her, cheat on me? Why I'll just fix everything around here. What is that new toy doing? Nothing! Eats those sandwiches!

How does all this stuff break daily? I bet he is still eating those sandwiches though. All he does...

Why must it always rain while I am in the hot tub? I just want a break from trying to make this place perfect for Shelby.

Where did that lightning come from? Why did it have to hit the hot tub? Do you know what he is doing? EATING THOSE SANDWICHES!

Again with the broken stereo...who keeps breaking everything around here? I bet it is that Nicholas guy. See he left his dirty sandwich plate out!

RIP: Nery Widow
Cause of Death: Scared by Abhijeet
hehehe So it is Nery's turn. GAD did he fry enough times???? And Nicholas just stood by and watched. Ya think he'd get a clue! So all the electrocutions were for naught....he was scared to death! What a riot!
dang that Nery. he just wouldnt die by electrocution or lightening or .. finally! Abhijeet to the rescue!
It was interesting seeing this update form Nery's point of view though i must say.
oh look at all the kids growing up so nicely. move on kids, its time to make room for the next spawn!
I love all your shots of Nery. Teehee! He just looked so perplexed as to why he was being targeted for death. MUAHAHAHA!
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