Do you realize what husband/baby daddy we are at? We are at number 13!!!
Here we have Shelby purposing to Nicholas.
Who are you? I don't think we have met you.
BABY ALERT! Nikell is on the floor! HELLO!!!! Nicholas stop kissing her! You have had your kid! Baby duty! Shelby needs to work on her next spawn! Step away from Shelby!
You're no fun, you know that.
Busted again.
Being on the outs, Nicholas is now on sky duty. Does he see something? Nope, just that lovely new interaction of an EP. *sigh*

Hey you! What is this? What have you done?
I don't know for sure if this is one of my makeovers or something the game put together.
What do you mean makeovers?
Just a regular evening making friends....until the following:
Oh, look!
What now? Did you see a shooting star or something? Did you find something new for some money? What is it this time???

Just another day at the Widow house...
RIP: PAUL the Townie
Being that was a little unexpected, there are now 3 in the house. Shelby needs a new man around...mainly so the ghosts will leave her family alone.
Hey Paul yer actually pretty good looking after Lynn fixed you up!
Crikey!Those darn shooting stars are enough to excite anyone.....
GADZOOKS woman! Two satellite deaths????? OMG..HAHAHAHA! What a scream!!!!!! Well, that leaves lots of room in the house!
Maybe Shelby is a little lonely now??
dang Paul cleaned up nice! oooh but he's gonna die now too. darn shame to waste his good looks.
dang . i thought you had a satelite. darn game teasing you like that.
Gah! what happened to Paul? change him back! eesh
Holy boop! you got TWO with a satelite! that is awesome!! Congrats!
Shame paul had to die though. and oops before they got married. well did he at least give her a kid? oh wait. no thats Nicholas' kid... dang! he died too soon!!
BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAA!!! Two satellite deaths in ONE GO?! *cackles madly* That was GREAT! Too bad Shelby missed the chance of finding a new man. But ... hey ... this means she won't get caught cheating, right?
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