Our dear Shelby has her hands full now.
Your fault, all your fault. I just wanted to woo-hoo them, but noooo, you FORCE me to marry them and have a kid.
Nikell grew into a child. Man, he has your looks.
Nerold grew into a teen and gets out of dodge quickly.
Oh look, it is Glen with Piper. Why don't you like Glen??
Maxis Mouth Shelby...
Glen again with Penny.
Why must I do everything around here? These are Shelby's kids.
You should have thought about that before you moved in with her.
Can we kill him now?
Hush! I'm teaching Penny how to talk and I don't want her to say KILL as her first word.
Twins snuggling!!!
Marry me! Help raise my kids! Help pay my bills!
Penny as a child.
Piper as a child, don't know what happened to her picture.
You lost her picture? What gives? One job and you couldn't do that! HMMPH!
There is only one Maxis Mouth person here and it is me, Nicholas! You must die!
A-ha! I lived!
You sure about that??

RIP: Glen Widow
Cause of death: Scared (by Nicholas)
OMG that picture is priceless..."A-ha! I lived!
You sure about that??"
LOLOL! It looks like there will be two Maxian Mouths in the grave yard now!
Bye bye Cleve . . . I mean Glen.
ooo I hope she got preggers before that happened.. i'm pretty sure she did. i mean.. seriously you're too good to let that slip.
LOL the photos are priceless
bye Glen
man what a mouth.. eesh..
*cackles at Glen* Never assume!! :O))
And hey! What's wrong with those lips. Can you imagine what those kinda lips would be able to do for a woman? *wiggles eyebrows*
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