Looks like we returned in time to see that Goopy's seed took hold. That's great! I can't wait to see the spawn.
Why must you refer to my future children as spawn?

Alrighty then, time to take a few skills from poor old Goopy before he goes away...

Alrighty then, time to take a few skills from poor old Goopy before he goes away...
He had some extra skills that I can use, I don't see a problem with that. You aren't going to harm my sweet Goopy, are you? He adores me.
Be careful not to take too many of his cooking points...he loves his grilled cheese sandwiches. I hope you don't upset him too much, he still has to earn that elder paycheck.
I always make it up to him afterwards. How could he stay mad at me??

Professor Korey, you need to stop talking with Shelby right now. You are only here since Benjamin brought you over. You are another one of those off limit men. Shelby you must turn your head the other way and talk to Benjamin.
But Benjamin doesn't talk about woo-hoo with me, Korey does. I enjoy that topic more than talking about learning. Who needs to learn? Not me, I don't even have a job.
Maybe you need to work on Benjamin some and he will discuss what you want. You need some more money, with that spawn on the way you still need to decorate.
Do you think he would like to move in with Goopy and I?
Hush! I am working on my future right now.
Doesn't Kennedy look like someone else? Just change that hair color a little...
Leave Brandon alone! He brought me a piano and fish tank.
Plus his money gave me enough money to build a nice little greenhouse on my property.
Maybe soon you will pop out the Goopy Spawn and we can see the effects of your genetics.
Oh GAWD....those uni professors are notorious for talking about and wanting woo-hoo...come on...let her bed Korey....hehehe
I think I is alright for Shelby take Goopy's skills..after all...he doesn't think much with THAT HEAD....
What? Giving roses to all the neighborhood men? She has a thang for guys with ski-jump noses. Heh. Genetics like that would make a grand addition to her own. Wait a minute. She is going to the opposite end of the stick and moving in Mr. Smash Nose himself, Brandon Lillard??? GAHHHH!!!!
I am faint. I have to get off here now and go lay down.
Why must you refer to my future children as spawn? Shelly, be happy we aren't being referring to your future children as 'crotchfruit' *sighs* Sounds like she's going to be rather heartbroken when something tragic finally happens to Goopy... unless he manages to die from old age before that happens.
Maybe Shelly will be lucky and any Shelly-Brandon spawn won't inherit his nose... doubtful, since that nose likes to stick around for generations *headdesk* But it's possible. And it's nice that she's finding such wealthy and generous men to take up residence with her. She'll need the money for her little ones before long.
Are you picking the strangely nosed people on purpose??? :O)) My goodness. What about the sim's needs? What about what SHE wants? Do her desires not count for anything? :O))
I'm curious. What can't Shelby breed with the professor?
You know, she's got a point. "Spawn" seems so ... mean, to refer to her kids. No matter what they turn out looking like.
A romance sim who loves grilled cheese? Is that his secondary aspiration or something?
Professor Korey looks pretty cute, from what we can see of him. And he does appear to like talking dirty to her, so I don't blame her for her interested in him. ;-) But OMG, her nose, plus Ben Long's nose?!? YIKES!!
Maybe Brandon's nose would counter-balance hers and their kids would have normal noses? (If only it worked like that.)
Where's Brandon sleeping though? I only see the one double-bed and that house isn't very big... (Where the heck are all the kids gonna be?!?)
I love it! And maybe Brandon with no nose will make up for Shelby's rather lengthy nose.
Some new developments in Shelby and Goopy's house. She does seem rather attached to Goopy, but I'm sure she'll move on quickly.
oh the fun just keeps on coming. I love the smoooooshed nose on brandon.. okay not love but in contrast to hers.. LOL thats gonna be interesting.
Now if only she would pop out Goopy's baby...
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