Sunday, June 8, 2008

Don't tell me what I can't do

Back for another entry? Ok then....

Kennedy's son Kenner is now a teenager. Off to college for you.


Samuel's son, Saul, is growing up also. He has long hair like his father did.


Another day, another wedding, another spawn on the way.

Why do you still call them spawn? They are children.


Hello fireman Neil, why so the sad face?

I'm not too sure about this house. Have you seen the graves in the backyard? Shelby has a lot of children also, all from different dads. I heard that the graves are the dad's and now I think I've fallen for I have a great urge to eat grilled cheese sandwiches.


Looks like another husband has busted you...oopsie.

How dare he tell me that I can't have a little fun with a man in uniform!


No Neil No! You can't be scared to death! You haven't fertilized Shelby yet! DON'T DIE ON ME NOW!!!


What are you doing outside Remington?

I thought she changed her ways. She promised me that she was done cheating. She said I was THE ONE...then I find her in bed with Neil. What gives?? So I'm outside until she changes her ways.

You will be outside for awhile Remington...


I'm starving for you Shelby! STARVING!!! I won't come in until you kick that fireman out of the house! I'm serious!


Remington protests have forced him to miss his daughter Remi's birthday. She is really a cutie.


Joe's daughter JoEllen celebrated her birthday. You can still see Remington on his protest chair outside.

He is just being silly, you know. All daddys are destined to die here.




RIP: Remington Widow

Cause of Death: Starved or ghost??


Not wasting anytime, Shelby gets married to Neil. The ghosts didn't get him before...

Next Entry


ASimWen said...

OMG Kenner sure has the Kennedy Cox/Benjamin Long chin thang going...Saul is a cute little boy! I don't think Neil will ever be happy at the Shelby Widow house.... Awww give Remmington something to eat!!! HIs dauther Remi is cute. I vote starved to death for Remington.

MysticSpirit said...

Guess we'll find out how he died when we see his ghost. :O} All these poor husbands. They just want to love her ... and what happens. They end up dead. *sniffles* I feel so sorry for them. Of course, I feel sorry for myself for not playing with my own Black Widow. *grins*

Roo said...

Kenner is one intersting looking boy. Saul is too, at least he's better looking that his sibling.
LOL Nice leaving us hanging like that. Glad Neil made it to the wedding.
well hopefully the color of Remington's ghost will let us know how he died. at least i think its suppose to.